Woken up by Tom's SMS telling us that Ayako insisted on have Korean food & nothing else for her birthday. So informed the rest while Tom finds out the restaurant name & address. Tried asking Tom to make sure that she doesn't decide to go shopping in orchard 1st & end up waiting at the restaurant earlier than us. Well, we all know this is almost IMPOSSIBLE! True enough, after everything's been arranged, Tom gave me another heart attack with this SMS: "Oi...that woman...she having lunch at e Korean place...now she says we can go to Buckaroo...u can strangle her later. Guess back 2 original plan..." WABIANG!!! I really felt like doing just that at that moment! Had to text the rest again, change meeting place & timing again, call up the Korean restaurant to cancel our reservation... Iyo! Planning a surprise has never been so tough! Hehe... LOVE the way Tom refers to Ayako as "that woman"... it's SOOO... hilarious! hahaha... :D
I remember the 1st BIG surprise I've ever planned was for my sis's 21st birthday. Being her blur self, it wasn't that tough actually :P I've wrapped up 21 presents & placed them all around our house, at places where she "frequent". I planted them all around over a period of 2 weeks before her birthday, without her even noticing! & yes, they are all wrapped up nicely in fancy wrapping paper! On the actual day, she had a fun time treasure hunting & of course, unwrapping all 21 presents! Some are actually "nonsense" like cotton buds, sanitary pad, cotton wool, tissue packs... heehee...
I did something similar for Edward's 28th Birthday (his 1st birthday we celebrated together). It was on the eve of our departure to Chiangmai together. Can see that he was having lotsa fun. He was amazed by how oblivious he was to the things in his room! Yes, I managed to blend in 27 presents in his room without him noticing! the 28th was given to him on the actual day when we were in Chiangmai. I know he's touched. He told me he's never recieved so many presents before, & everything he always wanted. Remember the last time I mention I've been helping Dar add on to his toy collection? Yup, bought him lotsa toys, plus some other useful stuff like clothes, tie, watch, camera... la.
I've always like surprises. I mean, who doesn't? It's quite hard to imagine why anyone would dislike surprises. Surprises add colours, smiles, laughters, joy, love... & many wonderful things to our lives. As we plan the surprise, we do it with love for the receiver & when we receive it, I'm sure we feel very loved. Then when it's the BIG "SURPRISE!!!", everyone laugh... sometimes there might even be tears of joy... & the best of all, when we all look back many years later, flipping through our photo albums, we remmeber how much we love each other, how much we mean to each other...
Back to Ayako's birthday.... the worst was yet to come... just when I was all changed & getting ready to leave the house, I suddenly remembered my keys were in Edward's car!!! So I'm locked in!!! What a NIGHTMARE!!!! I called Ed, Cindy & Elaine... I could really feel my heart sank... It felt like I've given up liao... haven't felt like this for a long long time... told them to go ahead as planned without me... Suddenly, I remembered we must've kept an extra set of spare keys in the kitchen drawer like my mum always does. Went to dig into the drawers & TA DA!! There it was, a set of spare keys!!!! So hurried out to our meeting place.
Cindy, Ian & Elaine were late... made me even more "gan jiong", especially when Tom SMS me that he's already picked up Ayako from Orchard! When we finally got there, we were, or at least I was, so "gan jiong" that I think the boss of Buckaroo also felt the tension! hehe... when everything's set, we went to our hiding place & wait... & wait... & wait... actually we were having fun waiting la. Elaine even went to the road to take photo of the place! Ian laughed at her,\saying it would be so embarrassing if their taxi were to arrive then & Ayako actually saw her taking photo on the road! haha.... by the way, Elaine was our BIG trump card if everything else failed, since she was supposed to be at the hospital mah! hehe.... am sure she'll get some nagging from her mom when she gets home since she was discharged only in the afternoon & there she was with us, fooling around at Buckaroo!!! hahaha..... :D
I remember the 1st BIG surprise I've ever planned was for my sis's 21st birthday. Being her blur self, it wasn't that tough actually :P I've wrapped up 21 presents & placed them all around our house, at places where she "frequent". I planted them all around over a period of 2 weeks before her birthday, without her even noticing! & yes, they are all wrapped up nicely in fancy wrapping paper! On the actual day, she had a fun time treasure hunting & of course, unwrapping all 21 presents! Some are actually "nonsense" like cotton buds, sanitary pad, cotton wool, tissue packs... heehee...
I did something similar for Edward's 28th Birthday (his 1st birthday we celebrated together). It was on the eve of our departure to Chiangmai together. Can see that he was having lotsa fun. He was amazed by how oblivious he was to the things in his room! Yes, I managed to blend in 27 presents in his room without him noticing! the 28th was given to him on the actual day when we were in Chiangmai. I know he's touched. He told me he's never recieved so many presents before, & everything he always wanted. Remember the last time I mention I've been helping Dar add on to his toy collection? Yup, bought him lotsa toys, plus some other useful stuff like clothes, tie, watch, camera... la.
I've always like surprises. I mean, who doesn't? It's quite hard to imagine why anyone would dislike surprises. Surprises add colours, smiles, laughters, joy, love... & many wonderful things to our lives. As we plan the surprise, we do it with love for the receiver & when we receive it, I'm sure we feel very loved. Then when it's the BIG "SURPRISE!!!", everyone laugh... sometimes there might even be tears of joy... & the best of all, when we all look back many years later, flipping through our photo albums, we remmeber how much we love each other, how much we mean to each other...
Back to Ayako's birthday.... the worst was yet to come... just when I was all changed & getting ready to leave the house, I suddenly remembered my keys were in Edward's car!!! So I'm locked in!!! What a NIGHTMARE!!!! I called Ed, Cindy & Elaine... I could really feel my heart sank... It felt like I've given up liao... haven't felt like this for a long long time... told them to go ahead as planned without me... Suddenly, I remembered we must've kept an extra set of spare keys in the kitchen drawer like my mum always does. Went to dig into the drawers & TA DA!! There it was, a set of spare keys!!!! So hurried out to our meeting place.
Cindy, Ian & Elaine were late... made me even more "gan jiong", especially when Tom SMS me that he's already picked up Ayako from Orchard! When we finally got there, we were, or at least I was, so "gan jiong" that I think the boss of Buckaroo also felt the tension! hehe... when everything's set, we went to our hiding place & wait... & wait... & wait... actually we were having fun waiting la. Elaine even went to the road to take photo of the place! Ian laughed at her,\saying it would be so embarrassing if their taxi were to arrive then & Ayako actually saw her taking photo on the road! haha.... by the way, Elaine was our BIG trump card if everything else failed, since she was supposed to be at the hospital mah! hehe.... am sure she'll get some nagging from her mom when she gets home since she was discharged only in the afternoon & there she was with us, fooling around at Buckaroo!!! hahaha..... :D

I also remember the BIG surprise party Dar oganized for my last year. He woke up much earlier than me to wash the toilet, mop the floor & made me mee suar. Puzzled about his cleaning of the house, but thought he was just killing time while waiting for mw to wake up (he usually watch TV to wait for me). He brought me out for movie & afternoon tea. Everything was quiet & peaceful, just the way I usually like to spend time with him. But towards the late afternoon, I noticed he had lotsa SMS & he was reluctant to leave the Botanic Garden tea place... hmm... something's fishy, but I wasn't suspecting anything. Then finally we decided to go home. When I opened the door! I was surprised to see my house decorated with confetti & balloons & a banner saying "Happy Birthday"! Then my parents & sis appeared with a cake, singing happy birthday, then all other friends appeared from their hiding spots to sing me birthday song! It was really very sweet & heart-warming. I feel so loved! Even thinking back now puts a smile on my face... :D Thank you, Dar!
Counting down to Valentine's Day liao... Still haven't thought of how to "present" this blog to Dar??? He's working on V Day, this Sunday will be at SMU the whole day... how??? hmm... still cracking my brain.... Worst of all, the shirt I've been knitting for Dar (suppose to be for his bday last Dec, then postpone to X'mas, then now V Day) is not done yet... iyo... maybe gotta wait till next bday ar??? o dear... :P
Wa, almost 1pm already?!?! Better go get ready.... Meeting Ayako, Elaine & Cindy to have our aura photos taken. Will bring Cindy to golden dragon to shop for her yarn later. She's planning to knit a scarf for a childhood friend studying in Melborne. So sweet...
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