What a busy week! Busy EATING!!! Must've gained at least 5kg! Yah, I know & everyone also noticed that I've put on a lot of weight since end of last year. :P Strangely, I'm not disturbed at all. Feel quite neutral or even happy about it! hehe... don't know why...???
Anyway, been pigging out since last Fri, eve of CNY eve. Was at my mum's to bai ah gong. Had our 1st lou hei this year, also had a sumptious dinner. Look how my aunt is pigging out to welcome Mr Golden Pig this year liao! :D
Then on CNY eve, Sat, Ed & I were home the whole day to do our last minute Spring Cleaning. We have a few new neighbours moving in & were doing lotsa reno for the past few weeks to rush for CNY, so our house is VERY DUSTY since our place has an open concept. It was so dusty, Dar was sneezing non-stop! We cleaned up Oreo's catch too. Oh, check out our Chinese New Year Innovation - the One & Only New Year Tree!!! hehe... It was so funny! We've been wanting to do this since 2 years ago actually... :P Then we went to Ed's parents' place for dinner.
On the 1st day of CNY, as usual, we met at Marina Mandarin Hotel to see the Annual Lion Dance Performance. We've been doing this as a family for as long as I can remember! It's become part of us. Think Dar & I will carry on this "tradition" with our kids, even after my parents are gone. Somehow this tradition always mark the start of CNY & always adds a lot of festive mood to our CNY. That why even though sometimes, like this year, the Lion Dance may start very early (8.27am this year), we'll still make it a point to wake up early to catch it.
Another "tradition" of our family is to go Neptune for lou hei & dim sum lunch after the lion dance. Unfortunately, Neptune has recently closed down. This is so saddening :( I think I can even feel a little sense of loss in my dad, now that we no longer going to Neptune for our Annual CNY Dim Sum Lunch. He always likes that place. He's even brought my mum there for a date before! then we've been there for our Annual CNY Dim Sum Lunch for as long as I can remember! Now Dar-Dar is determined to use this 1 year to hunt down another nice place where we can have our Annual CNY lunch :)
The rest of the CNY break is just lotsa FOOD, LAUGHTER & of course, GAMBLING, especially MAHJONG for both of us!!! :)
This year's CNY is also very special to the Gals, since this is the 1st time the 7 of us get to get together after a long long time! It's really something worth celebrating! We've been close friends Since Sec1! Wow! We've actually known each other for more than 16years already!!! I'm sure we'll be friends for a long, long time... & I hope our kids can also be friends in future :)
1 comment:
Hey Betsy & Ed! Thanks for having me over on CNY Tuesday and the delicious dinner cooked by Ed; Betsy you've trained him well!:P It was good to actually get out of my house and give my eyes a rest from too much computer games haha, it's recovered now by the way.
Your place is great! I love the living room, lots of space and especially the projection TV, it's like a home theater - COOL!! Wish i brought some of my videos over;P
Have a Happy New Year!! May you and all your love ones enjoy more prosperity, good health, and happiness in the year of the Golden Pig!
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