Let's celebrate our LOVE...!!!

This blog is lovingly dedicated to my beloved husband who has granted me my 2nd childhood dream (after teaching) with much sacrifices. Dar-Dar, thank you for agreeing to letting me be YOUR HOUSEWIFE!!! :) I have since found a new hobby - COOKING! I'll use this blog to record my "Not-So-Desperate Housewife Life", & will share some simple home-cooked food that my darling Edward gets to enjoy. Dar-Dar, thank you for volunteering to be my "guinea pig". ;P
Dear Betsy,
i really have to say..
you are super romantic lo.. = )
wish both of you "chang chang jiu jiu" & "zao shen gui zi"!!
Dear Betsy and Edward,
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Oh finally i get to say this! From the day Betsy email me her "secret" dedication of this blog to Edward, I have been feeling very updated with her life via reading this detailed and frank “confession” of things happening in her daily life. (I have never felt this close to her life ever since we were apart after J.C.) And the thing that touches me most is her love towards Edward, and her devotion towards being a good wife. In fact such loving act makes me feel very ashamed of myself. I felt like I am so far away from being a good wife as compared to her. And I told myself I’d better make a greater effort to do better! (And I secretly pity my own hubby for not being as fortunate as Edward :p) Betsy, I am sure your dedication and effort had touched many hearts, especially that of Edward’s.
Being a housewife can be more demanding than working! Because it is a FULL TIME job without actually being paid =P Therefore feeling committed is very important, plus the need to feel appreciated, which can be more rewarding than monetary return. I am sure that is what keeps Betsy so motivated and inspired in her housewife life! =) Both of you are perfect, both willing to give and take, I think that is the most important aspect in married life.
In life, all of us have our own destination. Finding our love ones is just part of the journey towards reaching our destiny. And it is a blessing to have that someone to walk the journey with us. So… aren’t we all lucky people?
May love always be with you!
Siew Huey
PS: Betsy you are certainly not “desperate” but you are making other housewives/wives desperate!!! (Desperate to be a better wife that’s what I mean =P)
Er… all those yummy picture of food that you cooked always make me drool… And just wondering “when are you cooking for your friends, esp. if someone coming from overseas happen to be in town???”
Happy Valentines Day Betsy and Edward! Wow, you women sure know how to be romantic, juz hope you don't expect too much from us men! haha:P Ayako always complains i'm not romantic enough:P Edward, don't go and spoil the market ok?;)
Have a great valentines day!!
p.s. 2 yrs ago today i gave Ayako www.somethingmagickal.com as her v-day gift. looks like we sort of think alike Betsy ;)
Thank you Shi Fu for your excellent and easy-to-understand teaching. Hahhaha... At some point of time, you really felt like my school teacher scolding me while teaching me how to knit.
:D But it's a good skill to learn.
Anyway, enough about me.
Happy Valentines Day to you!
Happy Valentines Day! to the both of you, Betsy & Edward. Betsy is really a good wife...Edward must treat her nicer hor.
Happily ever after...kekkek :)
Dear Betsy and Edward,
Happy Valentine's Day to you both!
Wishing you all the best for a romantic and wonderful V day. May the ups and downs, laughter and tears of life bring you two closer together, treasure each other more, and make your marriage stronger each day.
best wishes
i must say.... I very touch when i saw the blog.... I not a very expressive person in term of feeling... but i do know that i will do anything in exchange of your smile, your laugh and of course the most important of, all your love....
remember three years ago, on this day.... i proposed to you..... that is the happiest day of my life... it had marked the begining of a life long journey with a person i know i will love forever.
Journey has been a bumpy one, but for every hurdle we overcome, our relationship grew stronger...
you have made me a better person every day and have spell all my reason to be who or what i am ...
for all those ppls who have been and even left message on the blog... thank you for all your blessing and wish you a very happy valentine's day. And Please visit the blog again.... we will defintely like to share all our happy moments with all of you.
hehehe i just read the blog ... so its tooooo late to wish all of u "happy Vday" but....
though i am far away....i am always near in ya hearts !!!! gagagagaghahahahha :P
u know.... u guys can write comments in my blogs too !!!!!!! :P
stay happy no matter where u are !!
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