Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Dar-Dar Can't Stand Healthy Food & Sour Taste
An Eventful Monday
Left home at 10am to catch a cab to Northbrooks for my presentation to the kids. 4 people waiting for cab, many cabs zoomed past, either busy with passengers onboard, or just empty with an oncall sign. 10min past, situation did not improve. Saw 2 picked up their hp, I reckon they must've called for a cab. Miraculously, their cab appeared within minutes! I wonder where these available cabs were all these while! Refused to pay that extra $6, I waited on... Another 15min, still nothing! But by now, there's really hardly any cab on the road. I panicked, so finally decided to call for a cab :( Shockingly, this time, there's "NO TAXI AVAILABLE"!!! iyo.... this is worrying... Just when I was about to call another hotline, my savior appeared, an empty taxi! yay... this Mr Soo Ah Kow helped save me from missing my presentation & more importantly, helped save my $$$! yippee...! :D
Reached Northbrooks on time, no exactly pleasant experience. I mean, everything went smoothly despite some technical faults on their side, but just feel that they are rather disorganized, their teachers (besides the Mdm Gan & Anson) seem inexperienced & have this rather "couldn't care less" kinda attitude, students rather restless & unattentive (& these are the Exp NA kids!)... *sigh* seems like I'm back to my neighbourhood-school-general-education-hi-class-baby-sitting kinda Art teaching... Hope Koon won't mind.
Received a shocking SMS from Ayako, asking if I wanna visit Elaine in hospital! Apparently she was admitted to Alexandra Hospital the night before as her whole body was yellowish! This is so unexpected! She's always very healthy & she's very sporty. She's at Sentosa beach almost every weekend! Remembered I noticed her tired eyes & thought I found her eyes rather yellowish, but just thought she was tired. So Ayako & I arrange to visit her after my class at SCGS.
Had an hour or so before my class at SCGS, so was knitting at Mum's. Told her about the Aquamarine I got for her for her birthday. Will give it to her later when she comes. Cindy called so told her about Elaine & arranged to visit her together tonite & will go for dinner together after that. Also told Sis about it, so she can go visit with us.
Counting down the hours, finally lesson over... took a bus to meet Dar. Was starving! so bought Char Shao Su, carrot cake & spring roll (any 3 tim sum for only $2, very huge pcs). Dar showed me the free parking space he found opposite his office, where the landed properties are. Wa, what "hide out" for drivers! There were quite a number of other cars parked there too. But it was a long flight of stairs up to reach the place. What a work out too :P
We got Elaine a bouquet of flowers & a piggy toy that can record voices. We shouted "Elaine, get well soon!" & roared the hospital lobby! hehe... Elaine was surprise to see all of us there. She looked so weak... She lost so much weight since just last Saturday when we met up! Think she hardly ate anything for the past 2 days. Then guess what? Our Dear Miss Cindy was so cautiously teaching Elaine how to operate our reocrding piggy, yet taught Elaine to press the wrong button, which ended up resetting our recording!!! What a blunder!!! We, including Elaine, sure had a good laugh! Laughter must be good for any patient, so, at least we did something right outa it! :D So we had to re-record our "cheer". Tried doing it outside the ward along the corridor, but sounded rather "lau hong" since we had to whisper. So we walked towards the Exit where there's an outdoor balcony. There, we did out cheer, this time loud & clear! I'm sure it will frighten the negative energy with Elaine away this time! hehe...
Stayed there till Sis Tom & Sis came. Had lotsa laughter there, even joked about my new outrageous hair! It was hilarious when I told them how Dar said I was "Wu Meng Da" the 1st nite I had my hair down! haha....!!! Went to Vivo City after all these laughter with Elaine. Edward & Tom commented how we should've gotten a membership card from Vivo for visiting it so often!!! Yet, the funny thing is, we are still lost in that place! Took a long drive home yesterday night after dropping them home.
Even though we were all joking & laughing, we were all worried about Elaine. We know she's worried too, especially since she's always been healthy. Good thing Ayako just found out earlier on that they've removed the drip. This sure is a good sign. Yippee...!
Very touched by what Ayako did for Elaine. Even though we kinda got together as a group for only a month or 2, it's amazing how such bond can be built. I'm sure Elaine can feel all the LOVE around her & will be back to her strong, bubbly self in no time!
Dar, you know what's the best part of it all? You were with me all these while! I can feel you are beginning to loosen up a little, to take it easy & able to "embrace life" after a hard day's work. I can feel your ease, open-mind & open-heart when we visited Elaine & also the whole night later. This blog is lovingly dedicated to you. Some of my friends are also reading this. Everyone's been warmly invited to be part of our lives, to witness our growth. Our bond will only grow stronger with all our friends' blessings & also our faith for each other. Counting down to Valentine's Day when I can finally share this with you. You know how I'm a lousy liar. It's even harder to hide things from you! Just hope you won't find it a hassle to have to read through all these wordy stuff :P Nonetheless, some things in life just can't be expressed enough in words, like 1 student of mine once told me, "this cannot be expressed in words. It can only be felt." How true... :)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
A Sickly But Adventurous & Fun-Filled Weekend!
Didn't sleep well on on Wed nite, blocked nose & sore throat :(
Thursday. Met up with Adrian & Siew Eng for breakfast at Toast Box @Plaza Singapura, had an encounter a super ultra blurrr cashier! Lucky for her, she got this cheerful vibrant smile on her face all the time that u somehow won't hold it against her no matter how silly & blur she is! Anyway, the customer before me was also one kind la!
Took a slow walk towards Orchard, bought 2 tops fr a shop at HMV. All their stuffs are fr Japan & Nepal. Very cool stuff, I really like them, though the prices are a bit steep. I'm $91.80 poorer when I stepped outa the shop :( Came across another interesting shop & bought a really cute toy for Edward for Valentine's Day. It's a self-fix toy. It's concept of tin toy, but using heavier paper & the robot is actually movable! I'm sure Edward will LOVE this toy! He had so much fun with the various toys I've gotten for him so far. & this is the most interesting, I must say!
After a short meeting with Rosyln & a quick lunch, I went over to Kelture to do something, which I've been wanting to do since end of last year... have a dramatic change in my hairstyle! hehe... stepped in at about 1.30pm. By the time I left, it was already 7.10pm!!! To make the whole process more agonizing, my nose was runny throughout! Nearly got buttock cramp! hehe... but I LOVE the effect! It's totally wild & different! & the best part, I'll NEVER have a bad hair day, nor do I need to ever comb my hair! hehe... coz this new look is meant to be wild & messy. hehe....
Went back to Mum's for dinner to wait for Dar to pick me up after work. Sis giggled at my new look, said "not used to it". Mum says it suits me. Finally, verdict from the most important person - Dar-Dar. His 1st reaction when he saw me was laughter! HNG!!! What did that mean?!?! But he finally said that he's VERY HAPPY to see me excited about life & go all out to try new things again, & he thinks my new look suits me & makes me more lively! Yay...!!! :D
Friday. Dar-Dar reported to Kranji Camp for reservist. A dread, but at least a good chance to take a break from his tiring Civil engineering job, which he gotta work OT almost everyday. Kept our fingers crossed for the 1-day recall to end much earlier than expected. & just as we wished, it sure did! Dar-Dar got home by 12.30pm!!!! Yippee...!!! We can spend a Friday afternoon together! It's really 1 of those rare occasion for us to be able to spend a good whole 1/2 day together, since the beginning of 2007!
Went to Dar's new found favourite eating place - Vivo City's Suchi Tei. Yes, indulgence again! Was already full with, yet greedily ordered a potato curry (yummy!) & ended up over-eating :P went for a movie, Babel. Nothing fantastic, but an interesting show, though i feel it's a little cliche. But was sneezing almost throught the show :P I pity people sitiing around me :P & guess what? MORE FOOD after movie! :P This is indeed an ultimate indulgence!
Went to the Korean Charcoal BBQ Restaurant at West Coast Road, directly opposite Har Par Villa. Run by Korean boss & managers, & with Korean chefs, the korean food there is really authentic. Haven't been there for a while & Dar really LOVE the Korean food there. We ordered a Ginseng Chicken Soup & 2 grills (pork collar & chicken).
Got home, Dar made Lemsep for me. All the sneezing made me very weak, especially in the stomach! So I was confused if I were just tired, or hungry! Can't be having more food! so decided to go to bed. It was already 11+pm...
Saturday. FOOD AGAIN!!! :P Now U all know why I'm ALWAYS in this shape! :( Went to Eunos for brunch. Had the famous "Ba Cho Mee" before Dar-Dar drop me at the shoe factory, after which he went for tuition. This new pair is a little broad for size 6, but it sure looks more like actual shoe compared to the previous 2.
After punching holes in the soles of the next 3 pairs at the factory, I took the MRT to Plaza Singapura to get some materials for the Muppets & also some more yarn, which I forgot to get on Thursday when I met Adrian. Took the free SMRT shuttle bus to Chinatown to meet Ayako, Tom & Elaine to get some crystal.
After that, Elaine insisted that it's VERY FAR to walk to Merchant Court from Chinatown Point, so we took ONE STOP of MRT to Clarke Quay! Iyo..! When we got there, the Ellenborough Market Cafe was already quite crowded. There were like 3 pages of reservations! No wonder the last time Dar & I tried to "walk-in" & it was full! Wow, but the food is great indeed! the spread was large too! It was so much, I didn't even have any more space for the Sashimi & chocolate fondue! :( All the food Dar-Dar will LOVE, I'm sure!
Poor Elaine, been having indigestion, vomitted after our Hi-tea. But she's really very nice & sporting! Even though she wasn't feeling too good, she continue to enjoy herself & is a great company. We decided to drop the karaoke since Tom's absolutely NOT keen. So we took a walk alone Clarke Quay & saw many new & interesting things. Like this pub that's furnished like a hospital! Think it was featured on some TV program before.

Been having a slight migraine on my right since yesterday afternoon. Think it's all the sneezing, sniffing & also PMS :P gotta pop 2 panadols this morning when Dar went to office. Yes, it's Sunday & he needs to go back to office! We really hope this is temporary since they are moving office over the weekend...
Made porridge on Sunday, since I haven't been feeling well. "Invented" a new dish... I fried egg with the bottled cai xin pickle. & it was yummy! :)
Ayako, I know you will be reading this. Just wanna let u know that I'm really glad I met you at MAAD. Even Edward who hardly hang out with you can tell that you are one who treasure friendship a lot, & he also think that I'm very lucky to have met you all, who are such truthful & sincere people. Elaine, Cindy, Ian & Tom, if you are reading this, we (Edward & I) are referring to you too :) Thank u too, my new friends!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
A Tiring Day...
Northbrooks sure portray a very vibrant environment, with display of students'work everywhere. Even though the standard is not fantastic, I think it's a great culture to have! Met up with their Art teahcer, also Ms Toh :P, HOD & another male teacher, didn't get his name :P We got the deal! Now we need to go down next week to "excit" the kids to secure our class.
After the meeting, which ended at past 3.30pm, my stomach was growling! Just remembered I haven't had lunch! Went to Yishun 10 foodcourt & had a "Ma La Zhu Pa Ho Fun". Quite interesting taste, it sure was appetizing coz of the spicy taste. Huge portion for $4 foodcourt food. Then took the MRT to meet Mum at Aljunied MRT. It was so crowded, I couldn't find a seat throughout the almost 1hr journey & couldn't do my knitting too :( So it was a looong, boring & tiring journey... :( Then the PA made a mistake & kept repeating the "Dhouby Ghaut" announcement! I was really already day-dreaming away so got totally misled by the announcement & missed a stop! :(
When I reached Aljunied, Mum was already there, but I realized we should've met at Paya Lebar MRT instead! I ALWAYS get these 2 stations mixed up! So we took another rid to the next stop & walked to our shoe-makers' factory. This new pair that we crochet onto a leather leather Uncle had given me surely looked much more like a shoe now. Worked out some final negotiation of price & future arrangement, agreed to collect this 3rd pair of shoes & other materials this Saturday. All these are getting real serious & exciting!
Dar-Dar had said the night before that he wanted "breakfast" for dinner. When asked how he wants his egg, guess what? He wants 1/2 boiled egg! Alright, so I'll make fusion breakfast for his dinner tonight! hehe... how strange... Mum joined us for dinner. So started cooking once we got home, while Mum took a slice of bread 1st since it was already almost 7.30pm when we got home.
Of course I did not make 1/2 boiled egg for Mum, I made scrambled egg instead. Wanted to try another of Michael's recipe, Young Sweet Pea with Mint Jam. Stupid jam jar refused to open!!! No matter how hard Mum & I tried, the jar cap didn't even moved a little! We tried heating the cap, tried cloth, tried rubber band, even tried the old granny trick of hitting the cap with a metal spoon, ... it just didn't work!!! So Mum & I ended eating the sweet young peas straight from the can :(
Mum loves the potatoes, so I shared the recipe with her. Packed some back for Dad who came fetch her home after Taxi. Dar got home only just when Dad came for Mum, which was already almost 10pm! Dar was very tired, & I know he is disturbed. He's been rather unhappy at work... :(
Dar, I really hope I know how to help you. But after our talk & discussion, I think we both realize that the root of all problems, is got to do with your mindset, right? This, I guess you need to come to terms with it yourself. I really hope I can share your load. If it's about $$$, I can just take up more classes, or just be less choosy about the classes I have. However, we both know that it's not really $$$ deep down, right? I think you are still "greedy" & wants too many things. Really, if it's just about $$$, it can be solved rather easily. We know I've turned down a few classes. If it's about $$$, all I have to do is to STOP TURNING DOWN CLASSES! But yet you do not want me to take up the classes.
Sometimes, I'm really torned. It really hurts me to see you like this all the time. I want to share your load. However, I know if I take up more classes against your wish, you will also feel very lousy about yourself. I really need you to tell me what to do. But pls do not ask me to just let you be. You know this is IMPOSSIBLE. This is not how 2 people, who care so much about each other, live together. We share our life. It's OUR LIFE....
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
MIA, but Surely NOT Lazing
By the way, the Taiwanese couple just started their English conversational class with me yesterday. Really nice people. Think we'll have lotsa fun. Managed to do some work with the SCGS girls yesterday as well, so 5hrs of teaching yesterday, but travelling was crazy! Took a cab to the Taiwanese couple's house at Jalan Tua Kong that cost me $18.50!!! Wabiang! I better plan & prepare my lessons earlier next time so I can take the MRT down! Then, class ended at 1.30pm, thought I still have 1hr+ to reach SCGS, unfortunately the 1 & only bus to the MRT took 20min arrive! iyo, ended up taking a cab to SCGS & that cost me another $9.40!!!
After all my classes, I waited for Edward to knock off at King Albert Park Mac. Wa, SOOO... filled wif HCJC kids & they are SOOO.... NOISY!!! Was knitting there... when I got tired, I decided to "calculate" my nett earning for yesterday... believe it or not, after deducting CPF & my super expensive transportation cost, I actually made more than what MOE used to pay me! & now I'm doing what I enjoy, believe in, with much more effective time management that is totally up to me!
Dar, u asked me if I'm happier & if I ALWAYS know what I want? Well, I AM definitely much happier now. As for whether I always know what I want? I don't think I always know what I want, but rather I know what I do NOT want most of the time & I'll be very satisfied & happy for as long as I'm NOT doing what I do NOT want to do :)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
An Ordinary But Unlucky Day & A Forgetful Day
Learnt from the very knowledgable salesgirl at Yu Yen Sheng that the Chinese Herbal Soup is even "more powerful" to be drunk in the morning with an empty stomach, especially those for enhancing the vitality & energy. She suggested I start boiling the night before, add sugar then brew it overnight with slow cooker. Tried last nite & let Dar-Dar try this morning & he loves it! Said it's much better than coffee. hmm... great! will make this every Mon, Wed & Fri. I had it too, it tastes like the "tian cha" we have on the 1st day of CNY, but wif a little more herbal taste to it. I used "dang sheng", ÿu zu", "qi zi",.... err.... the last name slipped my mind... this white slices... then of course add rock sugar for the taste. Tried tasting it last night after it boil, it taste AWFUL!!! But this morning when all the herbs' tastes, esp "qi zi" fill the soup, it's very yummy! :) Yay... learnt something new... :)
Met up with Danny this morning, forgot to bring the VCD to return & $80 cheque out to post. Iyo... I'm sooo... forgetful today! The just realized I also forgot to check my Starhub account no. for Dar-Dar to apply for the POSB Everyday Card. Then, also forgot to take the minced pork down from the freezer to thaw before I left home. Iyo, why am I so forgetful today???
Anyway, cooking porridge today. Still haven't mastered the estimation of the amount of rice to use, ended up cooking a HUGE pot! Think I'll have porridge for lunch today, dinner tonite & lunch tmr again! :P
I used roasted duck spine (which the duck rice stall uncle very kindly gave me f.o.c. last nite, & we never ate from that stall before! Really nice. It might just be his marketing stretgy because Dar-Dar said immediately that we should try his stall next time. But it was still very kind & generous of him la), braised peanuts, fishball from Old Chang Kee & minced pork for the porridge. Too bad our slow cooker is too small, otherwise it'll taste even better if I can cook it the whole afternoon for the roasted duck taste to fill the porridge.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I Made Some $$$ Today!!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Work Week
Saturday, January 13, 2007
This is How My Pa Mee Looks Like
Friday, January 12, 2007
Our Nice & Quiet Birthday Dinner
Had a disagreement when we got home. The problem with me sometimes is that I hate confrontation to the extreme, as in when I'm unhappy about certain things, I tend to just keep quiet. Yes, it's not worsening the situation, but it's definitely not helping too. I know this is bad, but I just don't know how to resolve this. Nevertheless, I'm grateful to Dar-Dar for always being to tolerant & accomodating. So, this was my birthday, how I screwed it all up myself...
Okie doo, I'm gonna prepare the ingredients for tonite's dinner. I'm gonna cook "pa mee", our favourite "traditional" noodles, of which the recipe was passed down from my grandma to my mum, then to me! :) I still miss my wai po... ... ...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
There were much chicken soup left over, so I decided to "recycle & modify" it to winter melon soup. :P hehe.... we've been sleeping very late lately, so better "tao liang". :)
Dar-Dar was planning some dinner tonite, but really don't want you to be too stressed out if caught between work & dinner with me. Moreover, I don't wanna spend too much $$$ over a meal. Simple things like cake, chocolate &/or ice-cream can make my day liao! So I told Dar-Dar whatever he plans, I do NOT wanna dress up. Just bring me somewhere simple where I can go in jeans/bermudas :) I know you've prepared Häagen Dazs ice-cream & cake, so it's already great enough for me to look forward to tonite's dinner liao! Yippee..... :D
A Long Birthday Eve

Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Interview at SCGS
Interview conducted by 4 people, the P, 2VPs & 1 more maybe the HOD. Interview went smoothly, there were apparently a few other applicants (saw the small stack of application forms they already have in their hands). Very nice & comfortable class size, so I'm quite confident. However, a bit uncomfortable with the P's stressing of students' expectation to get an A1. I mean, even if a trained artist of art teacher were to sit for the 'O' Level today, we can't gaurantee an A1 even, let alone these 16yr olds. Of course I'll try my best to help these girls la, but they gotta do their part & we still need to pray for some luck for this to happen right? but well, we'll see....
Stupid Adrian, never say properly. Now that I've indicated $60/hr, he says it's too low! :P Actually it is, since my home-based Art classes are $100/hr. But let's just build up my portfolio 1st. Have had some some friends from SCGS, they are all very sweet & nice, so let's hope SCGS girls nowadays are just as nice :)
Mrs Tang called me this morning & told me I got the job! & they actually want me to go in TODAY!!! So will have my 1st lesson 2-4 today! Quite excited actually... will go in earlier, maybe 12:45, so can have lunch & prepare the room.
Suppose to cook "pa mee" today. It was soup day yesterday, but both days cannot cook liao. Tmr got appointment also cannot cook. Sorry, Dar-Dar! Hmm... gotta put the food back to the freezer liao. Think will cook "pa mee" this Friday lo.
Okie doo, I better go prepare my last minute 1st Art class with SCGS girls liao!
Monday, January 8, 2007
1st Weekend - Busy, Busy, Busy!
Friday, January 5, 2007
Since it's Friday, it's herbal soup day! I've made ÿang mu tang", which enhances & improves eyesight, since Ed's been working on his Mac A LOT at office this week. Poor Ed, must be very straining to the eyes... We're also have fried egg with beancurd & chicken wing in garlic & black bean paste. & my rice is cooked in standard today! Hooray!!! :D
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
The 3rd Day, My Lucky Day!
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
New Year Resolution - Stay Healthy
Almost forgot about our slow cooker we kept in the cabinet. Will switch to slow cooker next time so I have 1 less thing to worry about when I cook :)
Monday, January 1, 2007
The Housewife Beginning...
As usual, we had wonderful X'mas dinner at the Corbidge Kitchen, even had yet another satisfying lunch the next day! Determined to pick up some Corbidge Recipe, Ed & I decided to try out the rosemary potatoes. The effect was definitely surprising, though the potatoes were slightly over-poached. We'll do better next time for sure! Yay!
On New Year Day, Ed showed off his expertise once again! He made us a sumptious, yummy seafood pasta meal! Wow! look at that crayfish! Now I'm Ed's Desperate Housewife! :P